Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Anyone have any idea if this would be classified as a sensory problem?

I have always had issues with certain textures, I can't deal with touching certain things, like Microfiber Sofas, Cotton Balls, certain types of towels. I have a hard time touching older drinking glasses, Esp. when they are fresh out of the dishwasher. (sounds a little strange, even to myself) also I hate the way my hands feel after I have washed them with soap and water, and I also can't stand the way my fingers feel when they rub together after using most types of lotions. all of these things- amongst others make my skin Crawl and give me the "heebie jeebies" does anyone else experience these same issues??? also, not sure if this could be related, but I can't eat Vegetables. Especially Green ones (other then Lettuce doused in dressing) When I try to eat Snap peas, or asparagus or green beans, all I taste is Chlorophyll ( I remember what it smells like from working with it in science class when I was in school) and it freaks me out.

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