Friday, July 15, 2011

Is my house haunted or what?

Ive lived in this house since I came home from the hospital as a baby and it's not like I beleive in ghosts and stuff I'm just curious how these things can be seen from an outsiders point of view. I heard that young children have the ability to see ghost well when I was little like any little kid I hated the light off when I went to bed but I took that to new extremes my mom told me she said that sometimes I would put all my dolls on and around my bed and instead me sleep on the floor in order to give them room she said that I said it was because I didn't want them angry at me. She also said that sometimes she would come to wake me up and I would have my pillows piled onto of me. I believe I was the only one to experience these things but idk. Then much later that I remember it myself was one of the times I KNOW I heard a clear voice. I swear I was lying in my bed reading my brother was out in the computer room playing who knows what and my mom was in bed (dad at work) when since I wasn't facing the doorway I coulda swore I heard my brother say "MICHAELA!" (my name) and I was so sure I even responded (not turning around) I asked him what only to receive no response so I got up went to my brother who was still in the computer room and asked him if he called me which of douse he said no. Then another time I heard it while listening to music but his time it sounded like my mom and she sounded angry so I immediately went to her to ask her what was wrong and she said she didn't say anything and I told her about hearing the voice and my brother called me schizophrenic. Which I am not btw. My mom chewed him out for that. I told mom the voices scared me because every time they were yelling at me and sounded angry. She only told me to ignore the voices and to give them no credit. The next time was a more physical contact were a toilet paper roll that was sitting on my bathroom counter came flying at me without me or anyone touching it. Scared the crap out of me.

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