Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Douse he like me????????????????????????????…

so theres this boy who went to my school with me last year he moved to a differnt school he lives in my complex i didnt know this for a year then i saw him at a street party we spent HOURS together then we didnt talk for two days then he came to my house asking if i wanted to hang we would go out and talk about anything for hours each day i was even invited into his house and into his betroom to play xbox he told me he had a girlfriend but i had this massive crush on him anyways then he moved out of my complex then hes moved back and today he came to my house again to see if we wanted to hang we spent 3 hours in a tree talking he says he has this girl friend but he was aking me loads of questions like what car do u want?, how many kids do u want?' where do u want to live ? and loads more once again ive found myself falling for him do you think he likes me or are we just friendss ???

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