Saturday, July 23, 2011

What is the best iPod accessory?

I'm looking for the best iPod docking system. Some of the features I would like are: alarm that plays the iPod's music, remote control, relatively cheap.

Why do so many people focus on what they believe to be negative characteristics of God?

There are only two kinds of people in this world. Those who are controlled by the Holy Ghost, and those who are controlled by the spirit of anti-Christ. Those who are controlled by the Holy Ghost do the will of God because we love God. Those who are controlled by the spirit of anti-Christ do the will of satan because they hate God just like he (satan) does.

St. Thomas Aquinas' heartfelt proofs?

Hey I know this isnt the answer you wanted but I saw ur question from earlier about cancer and felt terrible. I just wanted to see how everything was lol.

How to close a large gash?

if you have a rly large gash in your skin, whats the best way to close it? i doused it in alchohal, put neosporin in it and close it with strips of masking tap and a large strip lengthwise to keep them in place. does this sound appropriate?

What Windows software can do alarm on Snort Program?

Last year my friend made me a snort program to filter a certain word on a game. If the word pops out it makes a sound he give me a link on windows site but i forgot about it. Also when im running the program it did not make a alarm sound maybe its the windows software that i don't have cuz i reformated my pc.

I can't get rid of this perfume smell?

I got a case for my Nintendo DS, and it smelled horrible. It was a "new plastic" scent from hell, strong and really bad. So I found some perfume, Japanese Cherry Blossom from Bath and Body Works, and spritzed it twice..once on both sides. I was pretty happy because the new plastic scent went away. But then for some reason the smell of the perfume started getting stronger. It got to the point where I could smell it from upstairs behind a closed door while I was sitting downstairs. I tried stuffing it with paper and putting other stuff in there to absorb the smell. It didn't work. If anything, it got even more overbearing. Yesterday I scrubbed it with various soaps including shampoo, and then I soaked it in a pan full of soapy water for a few hours. When I pulled it out, it STILL smelled like perfume. Finally, I doused it in vinegar, let it sit like that for a while, then let it soak in new soapy water over night (to get rid of the vinegar smell.) The vinegar smell left..but I'm sure you know what still remained. :P The perfume smell. Is there no way to get rid of this?

Anyone else thirsty all the time? serious thirst.?

Yeah, diabetes can happen to anyone at anytime, it's just an increased risk when you are unhealthy. However, I wouldn't run out there assuming diabetes. Have you decreased your drinking habits? I mean...when I drink more alcohol like a beer or bellini with dinner I find I cannot drink enough water for the rest of the night, it just dehydrates the crap out of me...or coffee have you been needing to drink more lately? It also dehydrates you. Salt dehydrates you...many things do, try to think if anything has changed too. If you think you know what's changed then assume that's what it is and change it, if it persists head to the doc.

Thyroid problems and diabetes?

I have been diagnosed with Hashimotos Thyroiditis (autoimmune disease) and I was put on 75 MCG Levothyroxine on June 24, 2010 because my TSH was 26. The first dosage was perfect apparently because my levels have come back TSH 2.885 and my T4 is 8.7. I have appointments with my endocrinologist every 8 months. I was scheduled to see my endo March 2011. We came with concerns about me feeling nauseated and having frequent headaches and getting sick, feeling like I was going to pass out. She switched me to Synthroid in hopes that my headaches/sickness would go away. I am still experiencing the same symptoms, but worse. Last night I had a lot of sugar, I ate a bunch of chocolate and chocolate ice cream. (I have always loved sugar). I was on my bed and I got very cold all of a sudden, which is weird because usually my room is burning up (No AC), I had to turn off my fan because I got so cold. I could barely move my hands, but I had my cell phone near so I called my mom. I was talking to my mom on the phone and she brought up the possibility of diabetes, since it runs on her side of the family. I looked up the symptoms and a lot of things started making sense. I have always had frequent urination, random fatigue, and excessive thirst like I can't get enough to drink, ever. I was just wanting to know if I should call my endocrinologist about this? My next appointment is in November and I don't want to wait that long to see if I have diabetes.

How is odysseus's glory-seeking a problem?

Using his encounter with Polyphemus in book 9 of The Odyssey to help focus your thinking, discuss how Odysseus's thirst for glory conflicts and crucial moments with his prudence and resourcefulness with the result of putting at risk his most cherish goal - his homecoming.

Would i have been tested for diabetes when i was tested for anemia?

Just wondering if when I got a blood test for anemia would they have checked for signs of diabetes too? I have some symptoms relating to diabetes such as thigh and outer vaginal abcesses, painful lymph nodes in groin, constant thirst, more freaquent urinatin, especially at nite. I also have pcos which I know can make me more prone to diabetes. I'm going to the dr about the abscesse tomorrow, I would appreciate any answers as I dnt want to look a fool asking him to test me for diabetes incase they already have , thanx

My Infiniti q45 was leaking fuel.injector was bad now I here a knock sound in the motor.i?

Where are the rods douse I was told I might need to change I have to take the oil pan offto get to the rods

Unusual loving from my dog?

my dog has always been very efectionate towards me but his funniest bahavour is and the only way i can give you a picture of it would be to say that when a child sits on your knee arms around your kneck and cuddle into your kneck now with that pic in mind what he douse is puts both pawss on your knee and snuggles right under my chin he also douse this to other women is this just a normal bahavour of a loving dog

Health question.Please answer me!?

i've been sick for 3 days now. i have very high fever.when i try to eat something i throw up and food disgusts me even though im hungry so i dont eat. i have extreme thirst and frequent urination. also a pain on the left side of my back.also nausea big headeches and diarreha.also dry cough and runy nose. i get cold alot and my body shakes alot for about 30 mins until i fall asleep. please help i dont know what to do.

My mom laughs at me when I'm angry...?

Well I think she might laugh at you if you ask her to sit down and "talk it out". I say that you just laugh at her when she has a problem, or next time she laughs just say "Ha mom yeah, I think its totally funny to laugh at your daughter." Ask her what type of mother doesnt help their own child. I know this sounds very mean but sometimes its the only way to go. If you dont want to be mean just say "Mom, the more you laugh at me the more i get hurt, you shouldnt hurt your daughter, help her."

I think Im obsessed with fighting?

Okay, everyday I think about fighting. It stays on my mind at least 85% of the time during the course of one day. I never used to be like this. I used to never fight because I was always scared to get beat up and I didn't have the necessary skills. I'm not a bad person at all. I"m very respectful, I don't let people's words bother me. I've had this obsession every since I started watching the ultimate fighter season 1 with Forrest Griffin and Josh Koscheck and all those guys. I don't want to go out and start a fight because I'm not that kind of person. Believe it or not, I avoid physical conflict whenever possible. But I want to fight someone so bad and I don't have the money to train for mma or boxing or anything like that. Everyday I get up and go to the mirror to shadow box and Every Wednesday I can't wait to get home from school to watch UFC Unleashed followed by the ultimate fighter. It's just me and my mom in the house and I don't have alot of friends so I can't spar with anybody. When I get on the internet I look up MMA Highlights of people getting KTFO. So what can I do to quench my thirst until the time comes when I have to fight.

Are my friends doing the right or wrong thing?

My friends know I love dolls like moxie girls or barbies and sometimes my friends will buy me them and give me them at school they know I'm embarrassed by lilting them because I'm 13 and they will tell me in crowded places here's your doll then hold it high I go all red it's embarrassing I don't like it I have told them nott to but they still do what can I do to stop it they also will say how cute it is and if a boy ever talks to me they always have to say do u like dolls because caityboo douse I don't like it but not many people like me at school I am not hated but people think I'm a baby

How come the fatter my wife gets, the more into Jesus she seems to get?

All I have to say is she is 329 lbs now and I think that is big enough to not f her anymore no matter how blitzed you get. And if you can't do that, try birth control. And when I say birth control I mean adult video store paraphernalia and something to clean up the mess.

Why am I so bad at math? [feel terrible about it]?

You don't SUCK at math. Its because you don't study it, and you don't study cause you have no interests. Just get more into it, study more. And you'll be able to learn it betterr

I'm an 18 year old female and I've never had a boyfriend or participated in any sexual activity. Bad?

I am a 19 year old guy and also have never been on a date. I don't know you personnaly, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with being a virgin at 18. I would love to experience what you described.

Help what dose this mean ?

My friend ask a girl if she liked me well she said u going out with iny one and the girl I like said no and then she said well one of my friends like u she said who and my name reilly fast and my friend said mabey and she just smiled and said nothing what douse this mean!!!!!!!!!

Motorola W418G ALARM CLOCK HELP?!?



Nope, sounds like you pretty much covered everything. Though I would add i-pod/charger,but that's just me. Hope you have fun!

Twilight fanfiction about soulmates from birth but not liking it?

This is a bit of a shot in the dark, but, I remember about a year or so ago I read a Twilight fanfiction about Bella and Edward. It was about how they were soulmates from birth, but Bella didn't like it and tried to run from him, and Edward was quite dark in the story. There was a companion one-shot piece as well about Bella going to private/boarding school for a while, and how Edward showed up unexpectedly, and was ultimately the reason she got kicked out (suggestive content ending in Edward smoking a cigarette and having the fire alarm/sprinklers go off inside the school). If anyone has any idea of what this story was called/the author, that'd be fantastic :D Thanks!

Why do i sleep 12+ hours everyday?

If i'm allowed to sleep in, like I am now because of summertime, i'll always sleep about 12 or more hours and its eating away at my time. During the school year, i thought my body just did that so i can get back some of the sleep i miss during weekdays ( i slept like 5-6 hours or less) but now its summer and i can't even get up before noon. Like even if i set an alarm and put it across the room, i'll somehow convince myself to get up and walk all the way across the room turn it off and go back to sleep, and i'd be okay with, then when i'd wake up later i'd be pissed that i didn't wake up. Why is this happenening and how can i fix it? its really starting to bug me smh

Could I have diabetis first type?

My mum has diabetes and they were all the symptoms she had when she first got it. Should go to the doctors for a blood test.

How do you get a bikini body as a teenager?

You're fine the way you are! Being skinny isn't a good thing. All you need to do is put on a bikini and there you have your bikini body.

Does nuclear radiation travel through the Internet?

A random question. If a person downloaded a file from a server that was doused in nuclear radiation, would that radiation travel through electricity to reach that same person?

Using a HTML/PHP form select code...?

For what I can see this is a customized solution as the features that you need are very specific. I guess you can try to find a developer in a directory like a href="" rel="nofollow" or ask anyone here for a quote. I provide those services as well if you are interested.

Why do stupid oldies prohibit ppl from drinking water after coming from hot sun?

i have experienced many oldies and there lousy followers who never allow us to drink water when i return from a hot day. Just imagine how barbaric it is... I come home tired after a lot of work in sun when i long for water they stop me from drinking water nd leave me to starve in thirst. They say i should drink aftr few mins nt nw. Wats the point in starving more?? Is there some herbal or yoga mumbo jumbo behind this??

I fell and i heard a cracking noise coming from my aincle douse that mean its broke?

I limp but i can get around, it douse hurt wen it has 2 much pressure but i say its just sprained. i just need a second opinion don't feel like go in to the doctors.

Friday, July 22, 2011

I accidentally sprayed glyphosate (round up) on a young Forsythia bush. What should I do?

I have immediately doused the bush in quite a lot of water, what else can I do to save it? The bush is just 2 years old and raised from a cutting

Is there an alarm clock program that works when a laptop is closed?

I have a Mac and I've tried ITunes Alarm and Alarm Clock, but both won't sound if the laptop isn't open.

Do I talk to him or let things cool for a couple days?'s not the end of a relationship. Talk to him and if he hasn't given you a reason not to trust him, then don't make he feel as though he has.

Alarm is set on iPod touch. How do I leave the iPod so alarm will work?

you mean on an app right? you have to leave it on the app. I would say leaving it on a dock/charger, then leaving it on that app

Will you read this poem (02), if you must?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

My dog threw up his Blue dog food...?

We are currently switching him to Blue Buffalo for large dogs, and he seems to otherwise be okay with it. He has been eating it for five days now, and doesn't seem to be much different than normal. He does have gas, but only as much as he always had, and it may be less stench-y now even. His waste (poop) also seems to be the same as always, but it has always seemed kind of... Odd to me. Anyway, so he threw up today, some time after eating his mix of Eukanuba and Blue Buffalo, but the only thing in the throw up is the Blue Buffalo. I found it rather strange, and a little alarming? Besides this throwing up incident, I have had no other reasons to worry. He is still as chipper as ever (even more so, as the temperature isn't so bad recently), still loves to eat all of his food and treats (though he is beginning to reject one kind, like it bores him). Should I be worried? I mean I heard that low quality foods like Eukanuba go through the system fast, which would explain why it was all gone by the time he threw up. Is this bad, or am I just losing it?

Any help identifying my CCCP Badge?

Hey I just got hold of an old soviet Russian CCCP Badge, it's red and gold and a diamond shape, what I'm interested in is on the back says (15k) and a small ( M) shape underneath it . Douse this mean it's 15 carrat gold? Thanks for all info :)

IS This Poem Horrible (Does It Emanate Any Feelings)?

I have to agree with my sis, LC and wonder always why any include their age, but more I wonder why so many of the young or new, so often start by saying a ting is bad???

Hhalf cooked chicken ?

I cooked a chicken for an hour and the alarm was meant to go off. I nodded off due to.migraine and woke up half hour after alarm was meant to go off and the cooker had turned off. I cooked it for extra time 45mins but will it be safe to eat as I have three children and the meat was warm in.the oven nor cold?

Douse any one have an opnion on the story Orpheus in greek motholgy do you think it is happy or sad and why?

I do not understand this story and i need some help for homework. remember i need to right this down so use words in a 7th graders vocabulary. The homework is to decide weather you think th ending is happy or sad and why. when i asked my teacher for help she would not help me! PLEASE HELP!

Transitional epithelia found in 14 year old lab's urinalysis 6-21-2011.?

This is indicative of the kidney function failing. The supplements that you mention will not do any harm but the dog will have had to have been on them for some considerable tome to give any benefits.

The five pillars of Islam..........?

O Ghulam, I cannot see how the pillars of Islam are related to the Attributes of Allah which you claim in your statement.

What do Texans think of this fact?

I live in Texas and Texas is fabulous. Have you ever thought that the income/education gap is because of culture and not because of any other reason? Hispanics here start having babies in high school and usually do not graduate or go to college.

My star wars knights of the old republic 1 wont load?

I get to the part where it auto saves but then it wont load after that i have tried many different games but it always hapens im at the part where i enter the starboard part of the ship in the first level. i have tryed to load it from the load screen and it douse load farther but it still douse not load please help. i am playing the xbox version on the 360

What is the best tips when ttc?

recently thought i might be pregnant but was a false alarm. Got me thinking that i really want to start a family with my fiance. What are the best ideas for trying to conceive i have a doctors appointment tomorrow to talk about this with him and my partners going as well. but any personal stories that helped or anything in specific to ask the doctor for would be really appreciated. Thankyou

How can i get an alarm sound using Snort sofware?

My friend made me an pre-made snort software to filter a certain word on game it triggers an alam if that word pops out even im on alt tab. But now i cant make it work i still got the snort pre made that he gave to me but when i type that word it doesnt trigger an alarm (sound). And also how can i change word to be filter or scan on Snort?

Can you spread GW this way?

ok this is kinda dum to ask but i dont know for sure when they say skin to skin douse that just mean sex or is that but shakeing someones hand or kissing someone how do u spread GW

What is my PROBLEM?!?!?

Maybe you've got a cold. I have a cold right now, and yesterday I was peeing every 10-20 minutes, sometimes even more.

What are the synonyms for these words?

fast/quickly, skiddish, tithered-down, messed-up, crude, watering, purposely, move-along, smelly, (i don't know scoff), stared-at, jars/glasses.

I am a 15 year old girl, and i think i might have diabetes.?

I have type 1 diabetes and those were the same symptoms i had. Tell your mom that you need to call your doctor. they will most likely have you pee in a cup. also these are the same symptoms as strep thorught. GOOD LUCK!!!

Was Adam & Eve not form Earth? The Forgotten Books of Eden does state they were not of earth.?

Are the books of Eden contained in The Bible? No they are not. Therefore they are not considered to be inspired by God and equal with the rest of Scripture. I'm not familiar with those books, but I would consider them to be the work of fiction.

Care to read this beginning to my novel? *tell me what you think*?

I love it! :D It could use some grammar work, though. Some of the sentences end with a period when they should be ended with a question mark. Another thing you have to watch out for is telling too much detail. Show what you want through dialogue and movements the characters make. I saw a few instances where that can benefit you. I wish you the best of luck in your novel. Keep me posted? :D

My boyfriend is missing !!!?

I havent been chatting to him since this time yesterday on facebook, hes in spain at the moment ... hes working there the last week and will be till start of aug ... he hasnt been online today at all... im alarmed ... hes always online chatting to me during the day before he goes to work in the night ... today he hasnt been on at all .. im worried sick ... mayebe he found sum1 else??? i dont know ... im in a heap, he wont have his new mobile sorted in spain until next week anyhow so ive noway of contacting him ... ive left him messages on his fb, theres been comments on his page from friends etc which havent been answered by him... any1 help me out ???

How do i know if im getting hired?

I turned in the application at First Alarm an told me to come to an interview 2 hours later. And right after that, they told me to go to some private homes to talk to their manager. Now tomorro i have to go drug test for first alarm. Does that mean im getting hired or not yet. Im sure ill pass that.

Douse anyone use a guitar lead for a switchcraft microphone?

I just got a new harmonica microphone that had a switchcraft guitar lead adapter and was thinking if I should just get a guitar lead or a switchcraft to XLR adapter and use a normal microphone lead. what would you lot say is the best thing to do. Thanks

Keys locked in car. Will alarm go off?

I (hope) I locked my keys in the trunk of my '06 Jetta. I've called the auto club to open the driver's door so I can get access to my trunk. When the door is unlocked, will the alarm go off? If the keys are not in the trunk and the alarm is going off, is the only way to stop it is by disconnecting the battery?

Sneak out ! HeLp ! (read description)?

so anyways, I really want to be able to sneak out with my friends next school year (right now it's summer) but i need advice on how to make my parents' think im still home...excuses if caught...and how to get in and out because we have a alarm system that beeps when you open the garage, front, or back door! btw our windows do not have alarms but I live in a two-story house and DO NOT want to jump out a window yet!! i could disarm it but at random times during the night they will come downstairs to get a snack so they may notice if it's disarmed! my dad also goes in the garage at night time to smoke sometimes if the door doesn't beep he's gonna get suspicious!!! so how can i avoid the beeps ? also my dad wakes up at 3:30 am to get ready for work!!!IF YOU CAN ANSWER MY QUESTIONS WITHOUT BEING RUDE THEN CHU R AWSOME <3

Thursday, July 21, 2011

What do Canadian geese eat?

Canada Geese, like most waterfowl, eat aquatic vegetation, grass, roots and young sprouts. They also eat grain and corn from agricultural areas.

Getting rid of gross smells?

i just bought a used car with the large help of my parents and it reaks of cigarettes. how can i get rid of the smell without dousing it with nasty air fresheners?

I need some Maple Syrup suggestions....?

I have a package winging it's merry way to me from Canada. In amongst the other goodies will be some proper, authentic maple syrup. Aside from bunging some waffles in the toaster and then pouriIng the syrup over them and also dousing pancakes in liberal amounts, what else can i use Maple Syrup for?

How to lighten hair naturally?

lemon and honey are the best ways to do it naturally. its not gonna happen quickly though. it takes a lot of time. you can do as many doses as you like since its natural there are no harsh chemicals to damage your hair. try putting lemon in a spray bottle and spray it in your hair in the morning and let it get plently of sunlight. it will work but you have to be patient. :)

I need to save up a batch by friday so I can douse my girlfriend but its hard to resist the urge?

I keep drifting off into pornography whenever I'm near a computer but I really need to save up for Friday, I've already been saving for 3 days now and it's getting really hard to resist the urge to masturbate. I'm seeing my girlfriend for the first time in 2 weeks on Friday however, and want to just drench her in my formula, what can I do to resist the urge for 2 more days?

My horse tripped a couple days ago, need some advice?

Do not ride him again until you have consulted a vet or a chiropracter. Chances are he has pinched a nerve (if there is no swelling anywhere) and it is downright cruelty to ask the horse to work. He could have pulled a muscle or as I have said, pinched a nerve, but limping and inability to bend to a certain direction rather suggests that something is wrong.

I have a stalker, or im pretty sure i do?

about a week ago i went outside of my house and there was a man sitting across the street by the lamp post, i wasn't very alarmed because i was with a friend of mine, it was about 12:30ish. But 2 days ago i took a walk to the park and i saw this man again, im afraid to look out my window because i fear that hes gonna be outside, ive seen him at least 3 times and after sundown, not sure if i wanna contact police, but i do live with my parents, what would you do?

Best bed wetting alarms out there for kids?

My son wet his bed until just about a year ago. He was roughly 10 when he stopped. Our insurance said they would not cover an alarm, the best bet is to ask your insurance company though, every single one is different. We found something that you might want to look in to, or think about. My son seemed to have accidents no matter what we did, reduction of fluids, making sure he used the restroom before bed. He had seen multiple doctors, when one finally asked if he was allergic to milk. We said yes, he had been as a baby but had grown out of it. They did an ultrasound on my son and found that even though he was having bowel movements, his intestines had fecal matter hardened on the sides, and the pressure from the bowels (that were also inflamed slightly) was pushing on his bladder and would make him urinate with out him even knowing, at night it pushed harder and that is why most of his accidents happened at night. We put him on soy milk, removed all milk products from his diet and cleaned him out with a children's laxative (the doctor gave it to us) and he hasn't had an accident since then. I am not saying she is allergic to milk necessarily, but that problems we would never associate with bladder problems can be the source. Good luck

Douse revlon colorstay makeup make you brake out more cuz I have really bad acne Nd I don't want it to get bad?

I'm really acne prone and it's never broken me out. It is however very heavy coverage and can feel kind of like an itchy mask if you wear it all day, especially on hot/humid days. Looks flawless though when applied properly.

Why is it that despite being totally discredited the ipcc still has any credibility.?

The reason for this is that "Global Warming" now called "Global Climate Change" is like a cult. Even if you could demonstrate that data was fraudulent, made up, would not matter. The cult following has an agenda to stop economic development in the West and transfer wealth to poor countries. It is really what Obama called "spread the wealth" in answering the plumber during his campaign. It is a Marxist agenda and one that opposes development utilizing fossil fuels, basically, the only fuel on earth utilized in any manufacturing and production. Obama and his left-wing EPA and appointments also believe in this religion. Facts do not matter. The truth is an inconvenient reality.

What are some good dieting stuff for 11-13 year old girls?

I take care of my Little sister but I have only been taking care of her for a few mountes and shes an allstar cheerleader and the coach sayed she needs to be put on a diet but I want her to stay health and strong and I dont want to take all the food out of the house she has to lose 5 pounds in the next 2 mountes before her comp. douse eny body have eny Ideas it would help so much thanks guys

My family is pissing me off. How should I proceed?

I think you need to sit your family down and tell them how you feel. And if it's easier reading from a letter, do so. I'm sorry you're in such a terrible situation...

95 year old with Leukemia forced by TSA to take her adult diaper off during 45 minute search?

That just goes to show you that the tsa has no age restrictions on molestations they commit from 7 weeks to the grave, they need to profile not molest old people and children

Domestic Violence Order?

I was married for 7 out of 11 years to the father of my children. We legally seperated on Jan. 18, 2007. We have lived apart, not been intimate, and have not had to get anything legalized as far as custody of the children goes. He has been getting them each weekend for the past few months and returning them on Sunday evenings. I really thought we could work an agreement out without the courts until he found out I moved on and have been dating a new man. Suddenly "Ralph" flipped out, breaking into my home and getting violent with me. Hence, I went on Thursday and had to take out a Domestic Protection/Domestic Violence Protection order and emergency custody orders out against him. "Ralph" has threatend to douse me in gasoline and light me on fire....I put nothing past him. Anyhow, I left town for a few days. My question is, How can I be assured he was served his papers? I live in Onslow County, NC and he lives in Pender County, NC. I took the papers out in Onslow and know they had to be transferred to Pender in order for him to be served. It's driving me insane not knowing if he has gotten them as the emergency order is good for ten days. After which I have to go back to court on the 28th to extend it for up to two years. I can't contact him to ask him of course and he hasn't said anything to me regarding papers. Any help would so greatly be appreciated. How can I find out if he was served the papers???

Yes i thank i may be in an abusive situation?

yes my wife is seeing another man and encourages him to come round the house as needed, take a bath in my tub, wear my pajamas and all that, and also he open fired on me with a gun once so i am pretty sure he has no respect for me because he eats all my bricskets and all that and when i wrecked my wifes motorcycle he said i had to pay for it, and i refused because i am saving up to see a trip to visit those huge faces on mount rushmore that nobody known how they were made or who they are, now that is a cool mystery. anyways kendall is sleeping in my bedroom, making my house into a scientology shrine, and also using my garbage to park his car, and i have to park on the street where hoodlums broke into my vehicle and stole all my rock and roll. kendall has also threatened my life many times, and in retaliation i have wrecked his vehicles and shot his head with a marbol out of a sling at 50 paces, also i have stolen his mail and handed his social security card and tax info to homeless man, this was not enough for kendall, he retaliated by conforming my job into unemployment by getting me fired because i was having some problems at work and he kept calling my boss to complain about me, so i am at my wits end what to do, i just wish my wife would either leave me and move in with kendall the scientologist or else tell this bad apple to bump it off down the road. anyways the thing came to a boil when kendall the scientologist and my wife made sex in my bed and kicked me out the room to sleep on a doggy bed in the garage, and kendall took a picture on his iphone (of course he has one, and a kindle too, and an ipad what a shits head) and emailed it to my boss sayin how i live in a dog shelter and am a retrted homoless boy. my boss waas not amused. is this bad for my psychics? because lately i feel like i am losing my mind and wanting to take off all my clothes and live in the woods, where my wife is not sleeping with another man, kendall is not eating my food and taking over my house and forcing me to recycle when i dont give a **** about recycle, make me wash out my yogurt cups and all that, preach scientology to me all day long, hang up nude portraits he draws horribly and throw out all my pictures and furniture he dont like, never wash his dishes and just leave a mess all over even though he dont have a job except working at his bogus scientology church, and not even pay any rent even though he is liiving under my roofs without permission from me, force me to sleep on a dog bed, and oh yeah having sex with my wife. now im glad i dropped a fish tank full of water and fish that i was trying to carry onto his kitchen tile that he had custom ordered, and im also glad it seeped through the floor and doused the woman who rents below him, i recognize that i wrecked his tyle at his house, but that is not an excuse for him to take over myne.

Is my period disappearing because of my anorexia?

Yes ur period will disapear abd if u continue starving so will the ability to have babies im 60kilos and around tge same height abd i hace necer been called fat and its cause i love my body and am confident with it so no matter wat u weight big or small ur beautiful and live life to the max at maacas hehe

My family are being jerks to me ?

Most dad's are douchebags but that's just life. But it's a good thing though cause you don't want to be living with your parents passed 18 or so anyways. It'll help you to want to move on with your life and to do the things that you want to do, not what they want you to do for them.

HELP PLZ I dont know how to write how beautiful a sunset can be. What words are great to use?

hey you're doing great. just finish it the way it feels to you. getting other people's point of view will alter the flow of what you wrote, and readers will likely notice, and not feel the scene the way you feel it.

Took birth control almost 4 hours late?

I usually take it at 9 and my phone alarm didn't go off for some reason because it just does that sometimes and I forgot, usually I don't worry if it's within about 2 hours but I just took it a few minutes ago... Would i still be safe tomorrow? Even if a condom is not used I use the withdrawal method (which I wouldn't do without birth control!) but since I was almost 4 hours late would it still be safe? I would assume so, but I would like some input. Thank you.

Christians : Do all christians believe in this?

Christians believe every word in the bible. If not, they are not real christian. However, different people have different views, understanding and explanation, including christians.

What part of electronics should I study ?

Well I want to know how to do DIY things at home ,what are the basic topics I need to know for example knowing the system of electronics functions of pieces?for wiring what are the data chips installed what are they for ? I really wish to know how to assemble self made electronic things like a self made sensor laser alarm , or know to install cables for cameras things like that how to compensate the needed voltage is there any straight topics to that if not what kind of studying do i need ??

What do you think of my poem?

I like it. Elizabeth Barret Browning wrote long poems. So did Robert Frost and many others. It does however branch out toward being a monologue. Keep writing.

What does my dream mean?

So I had a really complicated dream the other night, I was supposed to be at Thorpe park and instead it was like a shopping centre, and the fire alarm went off and everyone left the building and me and 5 others went out a different way and we had to run away, so we were running but instead of just running across grass or roads, it was like we were running through the slums, like the film slum dog millionaire, and eventually we were at the top of the country near scotland in the place an old friend had moved to a few years back... Anyway we stayed there for the night and the next day my dad pick us up, we went home and the dream repeated :/... Sorry if this is complicated, but I'd really like to know whether it means anything?

Advice on Runners Watch?

Hi, i'm relatively new to running, but I want a watch that has a good interval timer with a vibrate alarm since I listen to music while out running. I've heard of the Gymboss but I would prefer a watch. Thankyou!


so... i am 13 i drank soda on a regular basis but 3 weeks ago my mom said no more soda for you Instead she wants me to drink Turkey hill lemonade. But lemonade doesn't quench my thirst. I need websites saying one cup of soda a day is okay for a 13 yr old. If you give facts please back it up with a source.

What other brand can i use for a car seat base for my Edie Bauer car seat?

I have a Edie Bauer car seat/travel system from baby's r us. I know you can order Edie Bauer bases from But I was told that there is another brand that i can use. I know its not Graco, but douse anyone know the brand that is universal with Edie Bauer?

Liberals, does this make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside?

Why is this addressed to liberals? Are you including the ACLU in this challenge? In any case, no. You can continue to point out every single instance of old or young or other individuals being subjected to airport searches but unless you are advocating exempting entire groups from searches, you are contributing nothing worthwhile in terms of how to screen passengers.

I've been very forgetful lately..?

Your husband makes a good point. I experience the exact same thing you describe OFTEN, and it is not the result of some brain abnormality (as I've had an MRI and EEG recently due to headaches). Don't add to your stress by jumping to the conclusion that you have a brain tumor dear. Sometimes we just have to accept the fact that the rush-rush of our daily lives sometimes becomes just a bit too much for us to keep up with. It may be a case of your level of concentration suffering as opposed to having a 'bad memory'. There is a distinction there if you think about it. We can only deal with a limited number of 'things' simultaneously. We just can't divide our attention indefinitely right? As long as this is just an aggravation and not a possible danger to you and others, don't worry over it.

Tell me what u think of this poem?

this is a good poem.this is a feelingful and soulful poem.i like it very much.thanks for this beautiful poem.

I drink about 4 liters of soda everyday day. What will happen if i continue this?

Everyday for the past 2 years all I drink is soda. I can't stand to drink anything else because it doesn;t help my thirst. I've tried drinking water and juice instead but it just fills my stomach up and ill still be as thirsty as before. The only thing that will stop my thirst is carbonation. I'll go threw a 36 pack of pepsi in two days tops, and I drink about 2 of the 2 liter bottles a day, sometime more!! However I would just like to know what will happen if I continue to do this?

Breaking a cat of food addiction?

My cat is absolutely insane for any form of human food. How do I break her of this horrible habit? She's only about 4 weeks old and will literally attack you over food. Before I even start to prepare a meal I have to lock her in another room. I have tried just simply raising my voice at her, slapping her on the nose (not hard enough to hurt her of course) and using a spray bottle to douse her when she gets too close. Not a single result yet she just recoils and comes back harder than before. Please help if you know anything about how to stop her from doing this it's an extremely difficult issue with living with 4 people because they don't want to take the time to put her up before doing anything, it's also easy to forget and she draws blood over it.

I see purple figure then meet man and see it on him twice?

what douse this mean? I am very sensitive and open minded, and the one day i saw this purple figure in a black 3D back ground, then more then a month later i meet a man and the day after i see the purple figure again and i could tell exactly where it was and i turned around to see and there he was standing, this happened once more and the last day i saw him i lived a vision i had seen more that once that lasted 10 seconds but my moments usually only last in glimpses. and yes we have fallen for each other. any advise please.

Anyone know what this could be?

My blinker or hazards lights don't work....everything else works normal...the blinkers still flash when I set my alarm

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

When a boy says i like you douse it mean love ?

well im a girl and if you say i like you it usually means i love you if u say it to a boy but a boy told me today he thinks he likes me dousee that mean he loves me ??

Please help.Could I be Pregnant?

I was due my period on May 28th but because I already had a period in May I expected to be a few days late as we all know nature has a habit of making sure we don't often have two periods in the month. Trouble is I'm a week and a day late with extremely sore enlarged breasts and a swollen tummy. I've been having twinges of pain but nothing like I normally would and I don't have any other signs. My head usually messes up when I'm nearly due and that has happened but it's mostly gone now and I've not had any of my other usual symptoms such as chocolate cravings and extreme thirst although I'm very tired. I've only ever been naturally late 6 days. The only other time I was very late I had taken the Morning After Pill and that was what messed up my cycle. So do you guys think I'm over-reacting or should I take a Pregnancy Test?

Nervous to start accutane because of hair loss potential?? Help?

Hi I'm a 21 year old female and I'm about to start a lower dose regimen of either 20 mg or 30 mg of accutane per day. I am VERY scared about the potential to lose hair; mild to moderate hair loss seems to be a common side effect. My question is, have any of you who have been on accutane, especially at a lower dose, experienced hair loss? I am hoping that the lower dose will reduce my chances of observing this side effect. Also, if I take prenatal vitamins along with a biotin supplement, along with dousing my hair in hair oil in order to prevent breakage, do you think this could prevent hair loss? Please help; I need to be on this medication to treat my persistent acne but I'm terrified of losing my hair. Thank you for your help. :)

How do I make my gay son straight?

My son (17) just told me that he is gay. He's the only male (apart from myself) that is carrying the family name and I'd like to keep it going. I doused him in holy water but it didn't work. I've considered exorcism but I'm not Catholic so I don't know if the priest will let me. Any suggestions?

Does any one have good hair advice?

I have shoulder length, light brown hair, that is fluffy and makes me look like a poodle, and refuses to lay curly or flat, no matter how much hair spray I douse it in. Any tips?

Greckle vs airsoft gun?

douse an airsoft hand gun with a muzzle energy of 250-320 fps have enough energy to kill a greckle bird?

1999 Chev Blazer alarm going off?

Try disconnecting the battery while your not using your car. When you need to use it, just connect it. This should work since the alarm runs off the battery.

DO you believe the reports from Japan?

This tragedy has gone from a cataclysmic weather event to a nuclear nightmare. Building codes can only do so much to protect citizens. The US Three Mile Island nuclear disaster reminds us that this event was a partial core meltdown, which was eventually "contained', although information from our government at that time was not completely accurate or truthful. It was this failure and its aftermath that contributed to the growth of those against nuclear power. Governments can only do so much and my heart goes out to the people of Japan.

How come I feel pregnant but no sex? PLEASE HELP?

Chances to get pregnant this way are slim to none(closer to none). And all of those symptoms are quite popular even when you're not pregnant(I have all of those and I'm sure I'm not pregnant)... Maybe you ate something bad and breasts changing before every period so don't freak out. If you're still not sure are you pregnant or not(remember, people from Internet can't put a diagnosis) I suggest to go to a gynecologist. Once there ask him/her how you can get pregnant, how to use Contraception.

My 1993 Nissan Maxima will not start, the starter has been replaced and there is spark and fuel.?

The locks were freaking out the other day locking and unlocking themselves, my husband put the key in the lock to disarm the alarm, it worked for a day, then this morning it won't start. It turns over but won't start, my husband thinks it has something to do with the alarm, can anyone help?

Can i still be pregnant?

I went to my doctors and had a urine prego test done, it came back positive! But it was a very faint positive! My doctor then had me go and get a blood prego test done and that came out a negative! Both test were done on tha same day! But im not sure wich one to beleive? I still have prego symptoms! (tired alot, EXTREME thirst, frequent urination, bloating, and cramps like im gonna get ma period but no period! And they seem to go away when i drink water!) ma period is about a week late! Can i still be prego, and tha test is wrong, or is tha test right, and im just goin crazy? What should i do? Beleive tha blood test or have them redo both test? Any ideas will help? Thanx in advance!!

Dog sucking down 3 bowls of water, drooling all over - TOTALLY slimmy saliva instantly?

My dog has a clean automatic water bowl outside that has cool water in it, and an automatic feeder for her food. She is old now, and has a harder time moving arond, but hasn't appeared to be sick, although she has recently lost a lot of weight. She loves chicken treats from walgreens, but today wouldn't eat any. I brought her inside and put some of my little dogs food in front of her, which she's never allowed in when they are eating because she usually scarfs it all down completely, but she wouldn't touch it either. So I tried canned dog food, which she NEVER gets, and she wolfed it down completely like her old self - always acting like she is starving around any other food other than her own, (which she does like nad eat, but just greazes on all day since, once again, it is in an automatic feeder). Then she went to the "indoor" water bowl and drank and drank bowl after bowl as is she was dying of thirst. (Three full large size dog bowls). She was very sloppy about it, way more than usual, and then stood there with it just dripping and drooling out of her mouth. I went to wipe it off the floor, thinking it was just water, but it was sooooo slimmy and took tons of paper towels b/c it wouldn't soak in. How could so much of what she just instantly drank in, turn onto so much slime instantly??? She was NOT throwing water up, just drooling. So I put her back outside, which is when she did start throwing up all the canned food she just ate. When she was done, I called her back in but she didn't want to come back in... and she ALWAYS wants in. No signs of diahreah, never seen her throw up before, (although now I wonder since she has dropped sooo much weight so fast). I do live in Az. where we have hot weather already, but she sleeps in the shade all day but can't imagine her just being dehydrated considering her water never empty or too hot, but her nose IS very dry which is unusual for her too. She is now sleeping peacefully inside on the cool tile floor with no further symptoms other than the dry nose. Is the scarfing down water and all the SLIMEY saliva a sign of her dying? I'm assuming the throwing up was either because she scarfed down a 1/2 of a large can of pedigree which she's not used to, or because her she's been not eating - I wouldn't really know since here automatic feeder always has dog food in it, and she just ate too much???

Hhalf cooked chicken ?

I cooked a chicken for an hour and the alarm was meant to go off. I nodded off due to.migraine and woke up half hour after alarm was meant to go off and the cooker had turned off. I cooked it for extra time 45mins but will it be safe to eat as I have three children and the meat was warm in.the oven nor cold?

Douse anyone know anything about Afghanistan?

I know that it is by Pakistan India china and ubakistan I also know I probally does not wanna go there right now and I feel bad 4 all the families who have children over there wish them All luck too *** back home as soon as possible

What douse it mean when you give others a sence of deja vu?

ive had deja vus since as long as i can remember. i am a firm believer that they are for spiritual reasons. for some odd reason.. this past year ive met 3 guys and each on the first date told me they had a deja vu while spending time with me. what douse this mean?

Ingrown toenail issue, uh purple?

When swelling appears on an ingrown nail there is nothing much you can do but go see a doctor. Unless you can endure the pain and cut the nail on your own. However you can buy some antibiotics so that the swelling could disappear. By that time you can removed the nail on your own. I haven't tried this yet, this is just a thought.

Can someone tell me what this firework is called?

I know it an illegal one. One 4th of july I was sitting in the front yard and there was this firework that made a reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy loud boom and a white flash. It made car alarms go off and it made the street lights in the neighborhood go off. I only seen it once and I thought it was called a blockbuster but I was wrong. I looked it up on youtube and it does not look the same or sound the same. So if you know what its called can you tell me.

L would like to resest my alarm?

l have replace a new battery on my bmw 3 series compact since the alarm comes on every 30 mins and the boot does not open with the central locking

How to install a kill switch?

i have a 1984 monte carlo 3.8, it has a really good viper pager alarm but i would want to install a kill switch.. can anyone help??

How to be a morning person?

I desperately need to start working out again. I only like working out in the mornings because thats when I have most energy to burn. At the end of a long school/work day, the last thing I wanna do is work out. Im having the HARDEST time getting up when my alarm clock goes off. I snooze and snooze and then when I do get up, its time to go to work. I cant go to bed early, because I do not fall asleep easily, an sometimes its hard for me to even fall asleep until about 1AM. Regardless of what time I wake up, I still have this problem at night time where I cant fall asleep. What are some ways for me to get out of bed?! I get so pumped at night thinking about all the things Im gonna do the next morning, then when the alarm goes off, my motivation is ZERO and I dont care at all. Im not a morning person what so ever. BUT once Im up Im up.. Its just the getting up is the issue..

Do you mike the poem my friend and I wrote?

i really like it, you and your friend have very great potential and trust me that is something a writer needs you are both amazing keep writing you never know who you will inspire along the way best of wishes

How to turn off Unlisted Dual Time Chronograph Alarm...?

My father's Kenneth Cole Unlisted Dual Time Chronograph has a daily alarm set, and he doesn't need it any more. It is the worst alarm I've ever heard and bugs the crud out of everyone in the family. Is there a way to turn it off so it stops echoing throughout my entire house every day?

GIRLS: douse wearing a pad make you loose controll of your bladder? 2nd?

for some reason when i wear a pad i loose control of my bladder so i'll just have accedents without knowing it it like im going in a nappy bt its really embarrasing douse this or has this ever hapend to you ????? sorry bout the repete but i dont know if it is a u need to see a dr situation or a its totally normal situation

PLEASE im really worried about my son :(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…

May be worms in hIS STOmaCH Give albendazole taB CHEWABLE EVERY 6 MTHS UPTO 5 YEAR OF AGE OR GO TO DR.

How much does First Alarm pay?

Im almost positive ill get the job at first alarm. But i dont want to soynd im only doung it for the money, does anyone know how much they pay approximately?

GIRLS: douse wearing a pad make you loose controll of your bladder?

for some reason when i wear a pad i loose control of my bladder so i'll just have accedents without knowing it it like im going in a nappy bt its really embarrasing douse this or has this ever hapend to you ?????

I found a dead baby robin in my yard?

Baby robins when accidentally leaving the nest as soon as they fall on the ground and walk around their nest scent wears off so the mother doesn't know if she owns it. So the baby is on their own forever which is bad since they can't get their own food and can't fly either. So it died of hunger or if it ws still featherless that means he may have died of weather conditions. So I am verily sorry you couldn't save the baby robin and it wasn't your fault for not helping it because you didn't know. May the baby robin rest in peace...

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

How do I transfer my iTunes library to my iPod?

Last year my mom knocked a can of diet coke onto my Macbook Pro and fried it completely. A year later I finally had the money to fix it. The hard drive was actually spared, and when I opened Firefox the tabs I had open when the computer got doused in liquid popped up! Everything was the same on my computer as the day it died. But apparently my iPod and iTunes decided not to get along...I couldn't sync the two without erasing my iTunes library. I have songs that I have purchased in my library that I do not want to lose. Is there a way to get the two to sync up without destroying the library on my computer?

How much douse a kfc bargain bucket cost and the variety bucket?

I need to know as the website douse not have a price list i would be grateful if anyone could help me.

I have a 98 vw beetle,when the passenger door is locked I can't start the car without the alarm going off.?

This stops when the passenger door is unlocked from the outside.what is the likely problem with the car

Im going to a party with pot and alcohol and im not sure on things?

Im going to a party and sleeping over and theres probably gonna be pot and alcohol. Im nervous that the stink of either will stink on my clothes when i get home. Like im gonna bring a change of clothes. Should i wash nthem before i go home or douse myself in fabreze or something. I just dont want to get caught with either!

Is This A Good Way To Do This?

It could be that there's a certain scent that comes off of her skin that he finds a turn-off. It could be that after getting too close that his stomach "turns to water" and he feels like he's going to throw up. Maybe he has an accessory on his body (like a necklace, bracelet) that randomly starts itching or burning every time he gets close. The sound thing is okay, but it doesn't really appeal to me, at least just the sound... I like the aspect that when he gets to close he passes out. Maybe he merely just feels dizzy around her, and if he gets too close he blacks out. You can mix or match with this if you wanted to I guess.

Wrote this a while ago, any suggestions?

I think it was very good. It was little too gruesome for MY taste in books but maybe other people will like it.


OK plz help me im a 13 year old girl and i woke up on friday my inside lip like how my lips is facing the tongue and teeth well i saw that it was sore and kinda red and it hurt so i brushed my teeth and it kinda felt better so i went to my friends house and she like had the same thing i did but not where my red cut looken mark was hers were more nere her cheek and now we were like thats wierd its now starutday i look at my cut now it has like white on it and its really red hers were like mine so next day sunday today i look at it its brite red around the mark and it has white on the cut thing like last time and it still hurts when i put my tongue on it and now i was in the car and my friend call me and she asked her grandma wat it was she said it was a diseas thing when u kiss a boy that dose like drugs? and my bf douse sometimes douse weed but he told me he dident when we kissed and we havent kissed in like 2 weeks and my friends bf did smoke weed and she also told me that this disease can kill u and im soo scared and im cryen but her grandma send to brush my teeth alot and to gargle salt water thats warm PLEASE HELP ME I DONT WANT TO DIE IM TOO YOUNG IM ONLY 13 PLEASE HELP ME

Whats the best way to remove odors from my carpet?

It's a rental house and been there a long time. Owner says it's east to remove. I'm kind of doubting it.

What part of electronics should I study ?

Well I want to know how to do DIY things at home ,what are the basic topics I need to know for example knowing the system of electronics functions of pieces?for wiring what are the data chips installed what are they for ? I really wish to know how to assemble self made electronic things like a self made sensor laser alarm , or know to install cables for cameras things like that how to compensate the needed voltage is there any straight topics to that if not what kind of studying do i need ??

Am I legally protected to fire at someone trespassing on my property?

I live in Arizona and if I am correct, I have the right to protect my property with any means necessary within my household against an intruder...Yes? However, I am uncertain about the laws surrounding shots fired at burglers outside my home but ON my land (ie,. attempts to enter through a window or doorway). Recently I have experienced TWO attempts at breaking into my home within the past month (It is secured by an alarm system)... I have since purchased a firearm for additional protection. What should I know about the laws in Arizona regarding this matter?? Thanks for any help you can provide!

Why do most women I know dislike me?

seems you are thinking too much about yourselves. no one bothers about others. if yu are pretty others will look casually. if you are ugly then also others look with different attitude. only thing is none can read your thoughts hence they don't respond the way you expect.

Inspirational Dragon books?

The Enchanted Forest Chronicles by Patricia Wrede is written for adults. It's good, though I wouldn't go as far as to say inspirational. Try Dealing with Dragons, and if you like it, go ahead and read the other ones.

I have a 2000 pontiac firebird 3.8L?

when i use my key pad or use my lock button on the door my head lights go up then back down and the passenger side head light motor keeps running for about 5 seconds even does it when i set the alarm from the key pad or use the panic button on the key pad can anyone tell me if they have had the same issues and if so what was the fix to the problem

Will you read this poem, if you must?

Thanks for bringing to us the gracefulness of Maria Polydouri and romance and godliness of greek culture. You should meet Eric Arora (Hypocorism) who translates from Italian (mostly Petrarch) to English. I have not read the original and I can't (all greek to me LOL) from this gauge the extent of your translation and cannot therefore, to my loss, give you a proper critique.

What does it mean when a dodge caravan lights flickering, everything goes to zero when driving?

now and then it wont start, all the lights and battery is working fine, the checking engine light is on and alarm light,, it is a mystery, does anyone know out there?

Why do people who ask for honesty, hear it, and act offended?

Most people cannot handle criticisms. It takes us years and training to learn and appreciate critics and honest opinions. Unfortunately, many cannot face the facts, and rather hear what does comes out of your mouth fits your perspective.

Does my story sound interesting?

Sounds interesting. I wouldn't read it because it sounds like she's a mermaid and I don't believe in all of that, but maybe someone who does will might enjoy the story.

Kind of embarrassing... Peeing one's self while pregnant? 30 wks?

It is common amongst pregnant women. It's hard to control your bladder during pregnancy. The only way to cope is when use the public bathroom when you feel the urge to go. If there are no bathrooms around carry an extra pair of panties and pants so that way if it does ever happen you'll be able to change without people really knowing. Hope this helps

Will you read my poem (03), if you must?

You are writing an epic novel, are you not? Construction and translation well done. 16th century allusion well exalted.

Is this something alarming? need your suggestions! thank you!?

I've been having heavy breathing problems these past few days. now, i can't seem to breath if i wont elevate my body while sleeping. it's like a heavy weight is sitting on my chest.i'm not having cough or colds or fever. but my chest feels tight like it's contracting. i was just thinking this is just "stress". but i'm starting to get worried. anybody who just experience this once in a while and then just pass by after a night? i don't wanna see a doctor as much as possible. i need suggestions. thank you!

Would a doctor prescribe me sleeping pills?

Tell him you need Ambien they work great and a Doctor will give you a sleeping pill if your on a anti depression, Ambien, Ambien, Ambien but be carefull and go to bed within 15 minutes of taking it or good chance you will have a sleep walking episode or youll do something you wont remember, they are really really good

Do you think its worse in Japan then people are being told?

I think it's about to blow. It's not uncommon for authorities to downplay a situation. The plant cannot be saved no matter what they say on the media. You just have to know when someone is bsing you with information. Japan problems are just starting but hey I could be wrong. I hope I am.

Should i do this for my next youtube video?

smashing a time piece :-o waste of time . Next time make some funny videos others will see and enjoy

Help?!?! Serious help?!? What's wrong with me?

It sounds like the beginnings of a Urinary Tract Infection. If you don't want to go and be tested at the doctors right away, go to your local pharmacy or health foods store and buy Cranberry supplements. They have no actual drugs in them, but they will help cleanse your urinary tract. Take one every day for about 3 days, and if you don't feel better, see a doctor.

How do I fix my sleeping body clock?

alright so i've been frustrated. every night i've been going to bed at like 3:30 and stuff. but the past two nights ive been getting to bed at like 2. ive been waking up at like 12 or 1 and I dont like it. Ive even set my alarm to get up early so I can fix this, but i've just been sooo tired. gaaah idk what to do! I hate sleeping the day away! help!

Could my 2 drug over douses have caused me to want to be craveing to add medication?

even if my 2 over douses were back in 2008 could it cause me to still to be wanting to go back on add medication?

How do I...............?

How do I get myself up earlier?!?! Okay I'm a 16 year old girl and I CAN'T seem to get myself up early enough! This morning I set my alarm clock for 8 since it's summer holiday and I don't usually like sleeping till 11 or 12. So my alarm went off at about 7:45 this morning, and I didn't hear it!! It's an old fashioned alarm clock, the metal kind with the bells and everything and it was going for like 20 minutes and I slept right through it!! My mum had to come in and tell me to turn it off! Okay so my real question is, is how do I make sure I can get up early and on time and not sleep through my alarm?? School is going to start in a month or so and I want to start training my self to get up earlier. Any thoughts??? xxx

Monday, July 18, 2011

What should I do so I can sleep right?

I usually stay up extra to reset my sleep schedule, but I have been told that this is not the healthiest way to do things.

The Tooth fairy is not here! HELP!?

Im 18 years old yesterday when i was at baseball practice the ball hit me in the face and my tooth game out! I was so happy, right when i got home i put it under the pillow so the tooth fairy could visit! But, she never came!?!?!!? What happened, does she only give money to people that are under 12? Or did she over douse on drugs or commit suicide? She is one of the most famous fairies in the world, i would be under alot of pressure too.

What books should I read for Summer Vacation?

Read Dengeki Daisy. It's a manga, but it's heartbreaking and tragic at the same time as being dramatic, hilarious, and easy to follow.

Hi Female judges on tv ? Well i wanna know if there are any male judges like judge judy?

seems to me like the only mail guy who douse that is a black guy . I ain't got no problem with that but lets see a white guy doin the same.Or is it like a recon just the politically correct Gestapo runnin the media. By the way I ain't xenophobic , raciest , just a question people ? Thanks xx

What is the "normal" weight range for three to four year old girls?

My daughter is three years, seven months. She's a bit tall for her age, but her weight alarms me. She weighs 53 pounds- at three years old. Any info as to what makes preschoolers overweight, what constitutes a problem, and what the norms are for girls her age?

When should I take my birth control?

I'm going to California and I live in Texas, California is 2 hours later than Texas, I take my birth control at 8 am everyday, since in going into a different time zone should I set my alarm to take my pill two hours earlier to stay with Texas time? Or does 2 hours really matter?

Oh God oh God I accidentally sent the guy I like a VERY embarrassing picture via text? **girls only please**?

Sweetheart, life goes on. Just say it was a virus you got while using your phone internet. I suggest never taking nude photos because stuff like this can happen.

Does it sound like I have diabetes? I'll list my symptoms below...?

The constant thirst sounds like diabetes. You should get that checked. It is really easy to have checked. The fatigue and difficulty losing weight are not symptoms of diabetes type 1. Could be type 2 or insulin resistance if you have blood sugar problems. I would get it checked asap.

How to break in really stiff baseball glove?

I have a nike $300 baseball glove that has the hardest leather i have ever seen. The thumb is almoat impossible to move because the leather is so hard. Ive been practicing with it for 5 months and it is still very hard to close and not game ready. I have been oiling it lately and i have completely doused it in oil but after about 15 seconds of the palm being soaked in oil it sucks it up and becomes dry again?? This is really odd because no matter the amount of oil it just soaks it up and it becomes completely dry again. I have been putting a softball in it and wrapping it. What should i do?

Help with this kissing scene?

It wasn't bad at all.....but, you sound like a good write, so why are you beginning sentences with the word and?

When I am I gonna get it...? girls only?

Okay, So I am 13 years old and really worried that I haven't had my period yet. It actually keep me awake at night because I am afraid I am gonna have PCOS and not be able to loose weight if i need to when I am older. I am yet to have hair under my armpits, but I do have pubes (sorry for the TMI) I also have small boobs, that are kinda tender. I thought I had discharge, but I actually have a yeast infection that is being treated :/. I really want to get it over with so that I don't have to worry about PCOS, I don't have a hairy back or chin or anything, and I have leg hair, but it doesn't grow at alarming rates. I'm not tiny or anything, im 5'4 and I'm not sure about my weight but probably like 120 or 130 cause I have really muscular legs from running. I don't want to be called fat cause this is not what this is about xD. Please, do I have signs that I have PCOS or that I am gonna have my period soon?

Why douse a street light turn off if you walk under it?

My street lights in my neighborhood turn off if you walk under them. Why do they tern off? I once saw a car park under a light and it turns off why?

If I can't live under the same house as my parents, and I'm underaged, where do I go?

I remember being in your spot. It's not easy. I had no where to go, but I had friends who would listen to me and be a shoulder to cry on when everything got to be too much.

Are efforts to douse the Japan nuclear reactors with water hopeless, since it would take years to cool down?

Can they keep doing this for years and years? What are the next steps to this? Do they encase the reactors in a sarcophagus, like in Chernobyl?

I have all of the outlet spots of a power strip filled and then some? Is this safe?

You know a power strip that allows you to plug multiple outlet plugs into it to power multiple electrical appliances.The power strip itself is attached to an extension chord that is plugged into a wall outlet. The six appliances that occupy the six outlet plugs are my computer (tower), my monitor, computer speakers, power plug for modem/router, then I switch off one of the outlets between a lamp and printer (I have ran out of outlets so this is how I use both). The last outlet on this power strip is occupied with another extension chord which is attached to yet another power strip. On this other strip, I have a 36 inch flat screen t.v. plugged in, an alarm clock, a DVD player, and a 120 watt guitar amp (I don't always have the guitar amp on obviously but when I do I don't remove any plug). I hope you have already guessed that in this room there are no wall outlets, which is of course why I do all of this. I guess I'm trying to ask, IS THIS SAFE! I actually really think about it when I'm switching the one plug between my lamp and printer (don't want to get shocked), or when I'm playing my guitar (afraid of damage to amp). IS THIS SAFE TO ME AND MY APPLIANCES!!! Please help. Thanks!

I had a weird dream...?

I want to ponder this dream a bit. I'm going to mark it interesting. If It's ok for me to have your email address can you write me at ? My name is Brenda. I have questions I would like to ask you. This dream is really interesting but I can't be sure of my interpritation without talking to you. I know that you on Jude are both in the middle of a very important part of your life. Parts of it are scary but you feel safer when he is there. You are gathering life information that is helping you maybe understand some confusing things your Mother did. The bridge is a decision that you will have to make alone. I don't want you to answer on here. I am wondering if you have battled a drug addiction in the past? There are things I would like to ask you. I don't want to interprit this wrong. Whenever you remember a dream when you normally don't it is always a message from your subconscience to yourself.

Ingrown toenail, the SKIN of the toe is purple please READ ALL OF THIS?

Sounds like an ingrown toenail, well first soak your foot in some warm water for about 10 to15 minutes a day try to trim (with a nail clipper) the part of your nail thats digging into your toe. oh and try to wear sandals or comfortable shoes, if your situation gets worse go to podiatrist. if you have to get surgery don't worry its not painful at all . if your curious :a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Why my iLuv make a loud static sound when my ipod is inserted into the dock?

Whenever my ipod is inserted into my iLuv dock it charges just fine, but if I try to turn in on and listen to music or set my alarm to wake to ipod it makes a horrible static sound. And it just continues until I turn the power off or I remove the ipod. It also happens when I insert my iphone and itouch as well. Did I get a back system or am I doing something wrong? Please help! I'm tired of waking tot he lame radio stations here.

I went and got tested and the health department said something alarming to me?

Now i always thought its a good idea anyone who is sexually active, even if condoms are used from start to finish should get tested 1-2 times a year. So far this year i been using condoms each and every time.. I decided today to get a screen. Hiv came back ok, NGU as well. Others im still waiting on. However, before the tests, the nurse said based on me using condoms, i didnt have a risk and i didnt need to be tested. I know condoms work against most stds but isnt it still a good idea anyway to get check ups at least once a year?? They still tested me anyway but i was kinda alarmed though.. did i do the right thing by testing or did i waste reserouces?

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Is First Alarm a good job?

I want to become a police officer. Does working for first alarm help you and does it look good on a resume? And also is it a very exciting job?

My bathroom is very tiny, and it has an exhaust fan however it really doesn't do any good.?

Our bathroom is very small and has no windows it does have a small heater and small exhaust fan however the exhaust fan doesn't really pull it's weight. A ten minute warm shower has the mirror fogged up and steam everywhere. We used to leave the bathroom door open but we have a newborn and the smoke alarm is right beside the bathroom door and goes off immediately! Help I don't want a moldy humid bathroom but I'm out of ideas any tips?

Spotting....periods not till next month?

Okay well I am supposed to have my period on the first of July. So in 3days I should start my cycle. In the afternoon I went to used the restroom and noticed i was spotting a slightly pink mixed in with some clear discharge. It sorta alarmed me and I didn't know if it was normal or not. After searching online I came to the conclusion it could be my period coming early or I could be pregnant. So I went to the store and bought a pregnancy test and it came up negative. A few hours have passed and I just went to the restroom again and I am passing small clots with light bleeding. Nothing like a period. I am just confused as to what this could be.... should I seek medical attention or wait until after I get or miss my period. I also do have light abdominal cramping. Another thing is I already had my period THIS month and am not expecting my period again till next month (in 3-5 days)

Ingrown toenail the skin is purple, the toenail isn't?

The affected part will be the flesh. The nails will be fine however it is the flesh near the nail isn't.

Ear piercing leaking clear liquid when rotated?

I got my second earlobe piercings about two weeks before you did. A little bit of liquid is quite normal and should be nothing to worry about. The crust is also normal. Continue to clean them and rotate them and it should clear up soon. Now, if you start to see any puss you should probably remove the piercings and allow them to heal. If you're unsure of anything, it never hurts to talk to the people in the parlor where you got your piercings or a doctor.

I thought we were over this. What gives?

You need to get your head out of the sand if you think this type of thing is over. You do realize that this story is from 2008 right?

Is it normal to get less than an hour of sleep for several days in a row?

on wednesday i went to sleep at around 8 am , and my alarm clock woke me up at 9, on thursday i went to sleep at around 5:30 and had to get up around 6:15 that day. and last night i went to sleep at around 6:30 and woke up around 7:30. I dont stay out late or anything, i just stay up by myself, i just stay up. im not tired at all, i just stay up because i literally have no urge to go to sleep

I need advice on what to do next in my relationship?

hi im a man of 28 yrs old who has been living with my partner for the last 10 years we have three beautiful Gurls whom i adore and whould do anything for all of them, recently we have had some problems in our relationship relating to me taking advantage of her love by playing on my xbox till the early hours off the morning and obviously get up much later in the day than i should have and possibly not pulling my weight enough with the kids she had told me what was going on but the timing was poor on her part as she told me wen we were argueing and i thought she didnt mean it till the day i saw it in her eyes that second my world started crumbling and i realised what i had done and instantly realised i had messed up big time and what i had too lose which was everything as i love her and the kids soooooo MUCH she asked me to marry her about a yr ago i said no because i was scarred and now realise this was the biggest mistake of my life as i would marry her in a millasecond know so having spoken about the situation we decided to give it another go i felt like a 100 million ton weight had been lifted off my head and things were good i pulled my weight got up i was never on my xbox and things looked rosy till i found a message on her phone from my BEST MATE this happened as i had agreed to letting my girlfriend recieve driving lessons of this guy as i trusted them both implicitley but things turned weird and i felt it a couple of months on when he no longer came to see me also trying to keep my friends away from me (he was the driver) asking weird questions about a friend who likes a girl at work he likes. alarm bells started ringing but i had NO evidence and i told him no probs unless you are breaking up a family just incase he was talking about me so i carried on without knowing till i saw the messages after a outing with my mates wen i asked another mate how much it was to get married and he started acting weird again so i checked my girls phone to make sure he was being normal and he was not there was kinda weird messages were he was trying to see if it was alright to msg sexual type messages and also a message saying xxx i want you soooo bad xxxx which tore me apart i went mad nearlly stormed round his and smashed him in my girlfriend didnt tell me as she was protecting me from lossing all my friends and was gonna tell him to back off the very next day but know she says she dosent know if she wants to be with me any more im just hanging on not knowing my future im in pieces and need my girlfriend and kids as they are my life any advise would be appresiated as i dont know what to do i try to be normal but its sooo hard please dont be harsh im hurting badddddd many thanks xxxx

Are the Democrats with their defamatory crap showing those of us who left the party we did the right thing?

Well I am glad you see the Progressives are taking over the Democrat party. I am a conservative and think maybe we should allow farmers to grow hemp (which is not strong enough to get high on). They do give marijuana to cancer patients (they can even take it in a pill too). It would be a rough road and would not happen over night but we could grow hemp which you can use to make paper, rope, clothes, etc. The Americans during the Revolutionary war wore American made clothes spun from hemp. Personally the West in general will probably legalize hemp and marijuana. One the side note I also do not want to live in a Victorian like nightmare where I am stepping over heroin addicts.

Does nervousness cause thirst?

Hey guys. I just started a new job and I'm nervous my ENTIRE shift, which lasts for about 4-5 hours. I've noticed that since the day I've started my job, I've been really thirsty at work and after, at home. Is it possible that being nervous is triggering my thirst?

My parents are reluctant to put our dog down?

My question is should I encourage them to go through with it? They have been considering the idea for a while and I think it is well past my dog's time. He's only 14, but he has lost the luster in his eyes. He sleeps the majority of the day and has sores all over from lying down so much. He has Cushing's disease (which causes weakening of abdomen and leg muscles and excessive thirst and urination), arthritis, and recurrent infection. He has poor appetite, never wags his tail and has great difficulty getting up and moving around. I pity him. But my parents don't want to let go. I love our dog, but he seems to be miserable.

What other fish diseases display white specks on fish aside from ich?

I have a tank of fish that have been healthy for ages, and anytime in the past I have cured quickly the ich disease from my fish if it was ever displayed, but recently I got 2 convicts from an Earl May that had ich, figuring I would treat it before it spread.... well.... it spread and now I have been treating them fully for over a week and the fish are just getting sicker and sicker, the Firemouths are doused in the white specks, why, if it is ich, are they not being cured? And if not ich, what else could it possibly be? I fear my fish may not last another week, so an quick information would be appreciated.

Can u directly moisten cigars with water?

I have about 14 cigars in a case I have on my bookshelf, problem is that theyve been sitting there 4 about 2 weeks without a humidor! There dried out as hell now and I really dont want 2 trash them. I also dont want 2 go through that whole 2 month pain in the *** cigar revival process. Is there anyway that I can instantly revive them by just dousing them with some water?!? Of course I dont mean throw them in a pool, but maybe a couple of spritz with a spray bottle could do the trick.....

Important question? I need help asap?

yes if you crave them after an over dose there may have been a desiarable affect that the brain wants to get back also there could be something missing from the blood composition that the body needs but it does depend on what you took

How do you deal with being the worst parent in the world?

IN another post, I asked how to stop feeling angry and I admitted to breaking my kids teacup out of anger because she had soaked her entire bedroom floor. I realize that isn't right, I realize that is bad, I realize I am a scum of the earth piece of **** parent. A poster called me abusive and said I should get my tubes tied. You know I am not perfect, I am sure if were to closely examine her life under a microscope she would have some really shameful crap she wouldn't want to admit to. I did admit to it and I asked how to stop feeling angry enough to act that way. Now I really just feel like a worthless horrible human being that should kill herself and ,make the world a better place. Really what is the point if I can't be perfect and make little sandwiches and let my kids douse the entire house with kool-aid? I feel like giving up totally - I will never ever be Mary Poppins. I was abused as a kid, my father would leave holes in the wall, shaped like me. I promised myself I wouldn't be like him. I am not violent, what I did was completely out of character. I am sick of being on welfare, I am sick of being a full time student who has no time to study, I am sick of my husband refusing to work more that 1/2 time at night and watching tv all day. I am sick of being the only one with any ambition. I feel like I am failing in all aspects of my life - especially as a mother. Does anyone else ever feel like a POS after someone answers that way?

Why is my iLuv alarm clock/radio making a loud static sound when my ipod is inserted into the dock?

Whenever my ipod is inserted into my iLuv dock it charges just fine, but if I try to turn in on and listen to music or set my alarm to wake to ipod it makes a horrible static sound. And it just continues until I turn the power off or I remove the ipod. It also happens when I insert my iphone and itouch as well. Did I get a back system or am I doing something wrong? Please help! I'm tired of waking tot he lame radio stations here.

My sister is being inconsiderate?

see with your parents if u could insert a wall..or a mirror that could open. or you could talk to her. or if you have a basement, talk to your parents about moving your room down there, or having your sister.

Does spreading glitter on someone really solve anything?

I do hope that attention seeking person is prosecuted to the full extent of the law. he's an embarrassment to sane Liberals.

How to have good hair?

I'm a guy, I have NO IDEA how to make my hair look good. My hair looks like sand paper and has a lot of split ends. It's short. I'm 16, any help? I just want to know how to make it smooth and and get rid of split ends. I use head and shoulders douse anythig else will give me dandruff.

Do I have diabetes or is it something else?

Useless without knowing what your blood sugar is - if you are worried about diabetes, you should get your blood sugar tested and you will know for sure.

Will you critique my poem please?

I believe you refer to the 1st atomic explosion, back in the 40s. Fortunately the technologically advanced countries do not try out nuclear weapons anymore. The attention should be given to the ones that are emerging as possessors of nuclear weaponry, nowadays. They try them as they please, without asking of anyone. Mostly in the oceans, polluting the sea-water organisms for thousands of years from now! This is threatening, not only because of the radioactive emission everywhere, but also of the unattained "nuclear science" their scientists develop.

I dont know if my story needs dialogue plz help me!?

I don't think so. not in this moment. you may want to add some later. but i think what you've written at the moment is beautiful

I was found cutting and people started calling me emo because I cut am I emo?

People are calling me emo cuss I cut my self douse this make me emo I'm always depressed and have emoshenal depreshen.

Is this extract from my novel interesting?

I actually found it confusing and hard work to read. It is a riot scene with no hint of what the characters are like. What is an "intimidation school foyer" or do you mean 'intimidating?' There is no description of place or any characters and far too much is going on at the same time. I have seen a few fights in my time but this seemed to be rather over the top and not very realistic. Also I found the names you use rather hard work and difficult to remember. I know that is probably the names that the young have nowadays but it is still confusing. Aspen, Perenelle, Tarja and Kelise don't really do anything for me at all - but I agree I am old. Also if this took place in a foyer where on earth did the magnesium strip, hydrochloric acid and even a bucket of bleach come from? Ten out of ten for effort but it does need sorting out and toning down. Good luck with your story.

Quickly get rid of weeds in Garden?

So it is getting late in the gardening season and I haven't been able to plant anything because my garden is overflowing with stinging nettle. How can I quickly get rid of this while also having it be good for my garden or at least not harmful to it? Douse it with gasoline and set fire to it???? possibly. lol and possibly a really bad idea. lol a can't cut it with a machete or a weed whip.....i tried those last year. also a bad idea. the stinging juices spray you. Help please.

Why is there to be a famine of the Word, (final Q)?

Famine is here because people live in poor countries with corrupt governments that do not allow them to have the food they are sent. Many help and relief agencies around the world send them food, and their government steals it. Get rid of the corruption, and the people will be able to eat, and be able to grow their own food with out it being stolen from them.

If 3-4 inches blood clotts come out of you what douse it mean?

loads of blood clots came out of me. about 3 big ones and a few little ones and medium ones.. yes on that month I had unprotected sex 3 times 4th 12th and 14th.. and yes he came in me. But on the 21st this happend to me with spotting of big liquid drops on my panties! then heavy blood with loads of blood clots :/ thank you..

Dream Help? Really URGENT!?

I had this dream where i was at a servo and this liitle kid was playingn with a blowtorch and then she asked me to douse a car in petrol so i ran and then everythin blew up but no one died and then i kept seeing 6th june everywhere. If it helps it hit snooze once.

What is wrong with me? horrible headaches?

i used to get headaches from hell everyday. it could be stress, maybe you arent drinking enough water, or there could be something serious going on. visit the doctor. write down the time & what caused the headaches. it will help the doctors out.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Do you think she likes me?

A few months ago on facebook on friendfacts or something like that a girl said I was cute of douse I wanted to know who it was so I found out who it was. Do you think she likes me or just answered the question that way.

A question about my firewall another network is asking permssion to be added to trusted zone?

I am using zone alarm, I was printing something on my wireless printer, anyway my zone alarm came up saying it had detected a new wireless netowrk with the ip address, to share files assign it to the trusted zone, I thought it may be soemthing to do with my printer so I checked it ip address and it is different. I don't know what to do, can anyone advise as I have just ignored it for now.

Is this something alarming? need your suggestions! thank you!?

I've been having heavy breathing problems these past few days. now, i can't seem to breath if i wont elevate my body while sleeping. it's like a heavy weight is sitting on my chest.i'm not having cough or colds or fever. but my chest feels tight like it's contracting. i was just thinking this is just "stress". but i'm starting to get worried. anybody who just experience this once in a while and then just pass by after a night? i don't wanna see a doctor as much as possible. i need suggestions. thank you!

How can i tell if this boy likes me ?

hes 14 im 12 ... he hugs me alot ... ummm hes realy funny and where good mates =) ... douse he fanice me he allways gives me his lunch if theres any left over xD .. he will go shops and get stuff pring it to school and ill get the most of it outa any one around ? so douse he fancie me ...... x

Blood sugar at 136, 14 year old female?

I'm 14 female, my father is diabetic. For the last hour I have been extremely shaky so I checked my sugar using his kit and it was at 136, I haven't ate in about 3 hours and only drank water. My dad looked upset, like it was bad. Is this something I should worry about? I have constant thirst and my cuts don't heal easily at all. If I don't eat for a while i get dizzy and sometimes faint. Should I be checked for diabetes?

Is this something alarming? need your suggestions! thank you!?

I've been having heavy breathing problems these past few days. now, i can't seem to breath if i wont elevate my body while sleeping. it's like a heavy weight is sitting on my chest.i'm not having cough or colds or fever. but my chest feels tight like it's contracting. i was just thinking this is just "stress". but i'm starting to get worried. anybody who just experience this once in a while and then just pass by after a night? i don't wanna see a doctor as much as possible. i need suggestions. thank you!

He figured out my love poem was for him!?

Beautiful poem : ) and no your poem doesn't state that you like him because it could be about anybody

How can i stop reading yaoi/yuri??!!!?

please help me!! i'm only 16 yrs. old and everytime i open my pc, i feel the thirst in reading yaoi and yuri manga.. am i really addicted to it?!! help me!!

A film ruined by sequels ?

sometime they are ruined if they change the people. it also depends on how many sequels they already have.

Can I regain my stunted height at 18?

You need to continue eating healthily, but a trip to the doctors might not go amiss, though at 5'7" you would probably be considered close enough to the norm that intervention would not be offered (at least in the UK - in the USA where you have to pay things could be different!).

I dnk if she likes me or not I think she knows I what to ask her out?

My friend ask a girl if she liked me well friend said u going out with iny one and the girl I like said no and then she said well one of my friends like u she said who and my name reilly fast and my friend said mabey and she just smiled and said nothing what douse this mean!!!!!!!!! But today I was about to go the same way and tell her but she went to bathroom and could not and in class I chickened out dnk if she likes me I'm 13 by the way and she is 13 if that helps iny

Sexually charged behavior of 5 year old- inappropriate?

This is my first question here, and I'm hoping I will get some insightful answers. This will be lengthy and I apologize, but please allow me to explain the situation in full. I am 23 and am currently visiting my brother and sister- in- law for a couple of weeks. They have a five year old son who is a wonderful child, and generally very enjoyable to be around. However, a couple of days after I arrived, I was looking through my suitcase up in the guest bedroom when my nephew entered and closed the door behind him. I greeted him and he asked, "Want to play grown ups?" I said sure and asked him how you play. He started out by telling me we needed to go to the grocery store, preapre dinner, do the laundry. I went along with the game. Then he said it was "time to go to bed" and motioned for me to lie next to him on the floor. I obliged, not thinking anything of it, until he reached under my blouse and touched my breast. I quickly removed his hand and sat up but tried to remain calm as I know he's just a small child. I told him that was not at all appropriate and that it makes people feel very uncomfortable when they are touched in a private area, and to never do that to anyone again. He apologized to me, and then told me not to tell his parents because it would make his mommy cry if I did. Later in the evening, I did end up mentioning what happened to my sister-in-law, just to get her take on it and to make sure I had handled the situation appropriately since he is her child. She became very upset, and told me that this was very troubling because over the past several months this kind of thing has been an ongoing problem. He has been reprimanded twice at school for inappropriate touching of little girls. One incident was a kiss on the lips (that the little girl did not consent to apparently) which is probably rather innocent, but the second incident was his touching another little girl between the legs (also against the girl's will). He has an eight year old sister who has complained of having her nightgown lifted by my nephew even after repeated protestations from her. He has been told over and over and over again by teachers and his parents that acting on these body curiosities that he's having is just not appropriate and must be curbed. I completely understand that children will indeed explore things like this, but when does that type of behavior become excessive? I was compelled to ask for advice after playing with him alone again today. This time he told me we were going to play "boyfriend and girlfriend" and I told him that would be a silly game for us to play, because I am his aunt. He got off the topic and we began playing "superheroes" instead, but at one point during the game he approached me, took my face in his hands and pressed his open mouth against mine in a shockingly suggestive manner. I again tried to keep my composure and I told him that he cannot kiss me that way, that children and adults don't kiss each other that way. He responded with, "But I didn't touch your private parts this time." Perhaps I am over-reacting to this because I don't have children of my own, and I'm not a child psychologist, but his response very much alarmed me. He seems to have a very keen awareness of the impropriety of his behavior, but continues to do it anyway, and even begs me not to tell on him. I don't know what to say to my brother and sister-in-law, I don't know what to say to my nephew, and I'm really not sure what to think of the whole situation. I want to respond and act appropriately considering he is a child, but I do not want to have another incident where I am fondled, or made to feel uncomfortable by my own small nephew. I just don't think the behavior is completely innocent anymore. Am I wrong? Thoughts?

How much money douse Russell Simmons have?

Russell Simmons has about close to 1billion considering he owns Phat Farm and he sold Def Jam records. He made very intelligent investments buying a home and that helped him avoid dept .

My brother purchased a door alarm sytem to keep our mentally challened father?

from wandering did not work,he opens the door and trys to get out.the alarm sounds like a loud doorbell.last night it was hell in this apartment ( we live in a ground floor apt of a two family house) my brother lives upstairs in his daughters apt,it was late and thayts when the alarm went off my brother and others were awakened by the alarm,dad opened the door and my brother ran down here to check on things here,he reprimanded my dad not to open the dang door because he woke everyone up.e swore he thought the people from the senior center wre picking him up to go to the center and he was adamant about this as he kept opening the door and waking people up!dad has severe alzhiemers disease and a brain injury.he said he herd someone calling him,he also has hallucinations and hears things.btw he wears a hearing aid and he its out of his ear hes totally stone deaf,how could he hear someone calling him?? he really drove everyone crazy.i think its hopeless we cannt get him out of this programmed habit,do you think tht we will ever kep my dad corraled here? i just want an answer. thanks.

Drug that could mimic alcohol ??????????????????????????????…

I drink too much. I don't drink during the day (ever) but from around 6pm to 8.30 I can drink about a third of a bottle of Vodka. I know its too much already but douse anyone know of some other drug I could take but give a similar effect? Bit like those cigarettes smokers can buy without the nicotine? Thanks

What books should I read?

I just read a book called, "Vagabond Summer". It's an old book but it was really interesting to me. It's about this girl who doesn't know what to do with her life so she decides she wants to travel. She joins this hostler group and they come with challenges along the way. The ending is kinda predictable, but , to me, I wanted it to keep going.

Recommendations for new Smoke Detectors?

I have BRK and have never had a false tripped alarm. Make sure one of them is a combination smoke/carbon monoxide detector.

How long douse it take to download xbox 360 demos?

I'm downloadind demos for my xbox that are about 1g and it's been about 30 min with only 7% complete

1999 Chev Blazer alarm going off?

ok, you charged battery, as to say something was killing the battery (running it down) or batt not getting a good charge from alt. You changed batt and it was fine for a while.. so, using your key fob to lock doors, you could have an actuator sticking and pulling constant power. More likely some other system is drawing too much power or power when not supposed to. Remember you can lock doors using a key too (good old days).

Fallout 3 DLC Disc 2 wont work?!? Please help.?

I just finished Fallout 3 today actually...and as a PC gamer was indescribably disappointed with the ending. But that is beside the point. I have found an answer though, I have the game of the year addition, and The DLC pack: Broken steel makes the fallout game un-ended. Though, to my sour luck, a problem arose downloading the Disc 2. I cant even download it. The disc vibrates in my disc drive, like a normal disc would, then just stops. Itdoesn'tt even bring anything up. I have found that many people face this alarming problem, butdon'tt know how to fix it. Please, as a gamer, I need help to get this DLC disc dowloaded. Thanks.

Douse not having sex help get rid of a yeast infection?

my girlfriend went to d doctor cuz she had a yeast incfection. she said that d doctor said we couldnt have sex while she uses d cream she was prescrived.would a doctor say sumn like that?douse not having sex help get rid of a yeast infection?

Is it illegal to put up the sloman shield to ward of burglars IF you do not have the alarm system?

Not at all. I did that for a house I was flipping. I put 3 ADT signs in the yard to keep people away. I told the neighbors it had ADT. You have to keep yourself safe.

My Friend asked her and she smilies and I dnk what she mean do she likes ne ?

My friend ask a girl if she liked me well friend said u going out with iny one and the girl I like said no and then she said well one of my friends like u she said who and my name reilly fast and my friend said mabey and she just smiled and said nothing what douse this mean!!!!!!!!!

Frequent hunger, thirst, and nausea?

How possible is it that I have type 2 diabetes? I don't have any history of diabetes in my family, although we are mostly over weight. I've never had a heart attack/ stroke and im only 15. My symptoms mainly include the thirst and hunger, but when Im hungry I also feel verynauseouss and feel a very slight burning in my stomach. Lately, and I know this sounds weird, I've been eating oranges and their peels for the health benefits (lowering blood pressure, loweringcholesteroll, fibers, vitamins, ect.) Can this have contributed to mysymptoms?

Power button problem in Compaq Presario Laptop V6307TU?

This is why I'll never buy Compaq again THEY ARE GARBAGE when it starts doing this it's ready to crap out on you. My advice would be to start backing up all your information on that computer and start looking for another one.

How do you like this song?

It's way to deep for me. Lol it goes right over my head. I think it's a GREAT poem,which makes it a great song. Loveee it :)

My skulduggery pleasant sequel DARQUESSE? is it good?

Yup- It's good. This is the second unusual read (to me) I've had tonight. I think it's very good Keep going. Good luck.

Douse any one know where i can find lots of pictures of this anime character?

She looks like she's from a hentai doujinshi game. (They have a distinct style, and the picture above has it.) There are literally thousands of those... I don't think you'll find anymore pics of her, sorry.

I am SO thirsty! What is wrong?

Is it normal to be thirsty in the beginning of pregnancy? I feel like no matter how much water I drink, it doesn't quench my thirst!

I am looking for an old movie regarding factories and radiation?

In this movie the leade female actress is (in a particular scene) scrubbing frantically in a weird looking shower (inside the factory?) as she is afraid she has been doused with radioactive materials and if I remember correctly, there must have been some extras nearby playing the people who were scrubbing here, dressed in special garment...something like that. The movie Norma Rae keeps coming up in my mind but I don't think this is it.

Friday, July 15, 2011


You could get a strong flashlight and shine it up the crack it crawled into or get roach and large insect ciller try to get it out or simple "over due the spray" (by overdue I mean also get a large pump bottle use it all up and go down stairs for a while)

Persistant Drymouth after Exercise?

I'm a fairly out of shape 17 year old kid. But yesterday, I began my journey on weight loss and getting in shape. After walking almost 4.5mi yesterday, I was sweating like crazy. I showered and I still kept sweating! My problem however, is that last night, about 7 hours after walking, I began to experience some thirst. 12 hours and maybe a a liter of water later, I'm still really thirsty o.o Drinking water temporarily relieves it, but nothing long term. Please help me! I'm scared T_T



Gender racism, I think it does exist?

People say it's not gender racism but instead preferences but I'm wondering is there a very fine line between gender racism vs preferences? This has been on my mind a lot since venturing into the world of online dating. I often see that men will take the time to check every race including "other" but leave off black. Are these exclusions based on preferences or something else? I personally am not attracted to middle eastern men but I would never exclude a middle eastern man in dating preferences because who knows..............he may be just what I'm looking for. I'm just concerned at the alarming rate of profiles that exclude black women and wonder if our society harbors something much deeper towards black women than anyone else. Just a preference you say???? Hmmmmm?????

How can I get thinner?

I find it hard to decipher the fine line between boredom and hunger. How can I avoid eating too much? I'm so alarmed..Gosh!

Got all the symptoms of Diabetes, but doctors say I'm okay?!?

So, for the last 2 years or so, I've had all the symptoms of diabetes, frequent dilute urination, extreme thirst and hunger, blurred vision and feeling tired. And even pains around my pancreas after eating sugary food. Naturally, I have gone to the doctors for various blood tests over the course of the last 2 years, the most recent one less than 2 weeks ago. each time I get the results from the blood test back they say its absolutely healthy and there are no issues with blood sugar or anything diabetes related, or any other complications for a matter of fact. what can I do?!

HELP! My 4 year old just sprayed my 10 week old puppies with oxyclean!?

While i was cooking dinner, i put my two 10 week old puppies in a cage in our large bathroom while my son was watching tv. I heard the puppies gagging and immediately ran upstairs to find them completely doused in oxyclean and coughing. i put them in the bath to remove any of the oxyclean that was on their fur and washed out their eyes with cool water. I also fed them and offered a very large amount of water. I cannot afford to take them to the vet as we just made some major car repairs. is there anything else i should do? SHould they be ok? HELP!?!?!

URGENT need help with stuff (girls only please)!?

For goodness sakes, sit down with your mum and tell her! Tell her the whole story ... she'll probably have an equally embarassing story to share! Mum can help with any questions you may have as well.

How long would it take you to die of thirst at room temperature?

It depends on what you're doing (if you're more active, you'll use more water; if you're sleeping the whole time, you'll use a lot less), and how warm you define "room temperature" as, but in any case I think it's usually less than a week.

Can i sue this company?

I bought an alarm for my 2007 tahoe worth 390 dollars, the company then installed the alarm. After the alarm was installed (15 minutes after i received my vehicle) i check everything. The key said that one of my doors were opened which was false, the security light was constantly on, and the back doors when opened while the vehicle was locked didn't sound the alarm. I took it back not even an hour after they installed it and they fixed the light and my key saying my doors where opened. But my security system still doesn't work when the back doors or opened. I told the man that I payed 390 dollars for a working security system, i payed up front they installed it. The system doesn't work, and they are saying i need to take it to another mechanic to fix it. After all that i told them you can take the system out and give me my money back, or make the system work like its suppose too. But they wont do neither, do I have the right to sue? and am I in the right or in the wrong?

Blackberry Curve alarm clocks?

yesss,,,,go to calendar and click the blackberry button (the one with all the dots) and itll walk u through

Best young adult Fantasy fiction books/series/Authors?

I am very picky about my fantasy books too, and I have found that the Discworld series by Terry Pratchett are very involved, witty, and pretty much everything else on your list! Definitely worth looking into! I hope you find the perfect read. :)

I only crave drinks (non alchoholic)?

Ok this might be a bit strange, but I find myself having an unquenchable thirst, so I crave fluids: juice, soda, water, etc. I hardly ever eat anything because the fluid fills my stomach and I don't get hungry. Is there anything I can do about this??

Is my house haunted or what?

Ive lived in this house since I came home from the hospital as a baby and it's not like I beleive in ghosts and stuff I'm just curious how these things can be seen from an outsiders point of view. I heard that young children have the ability to see ghost well when I was little like any little kid I hated the light off when I went to bed but I took that to new extremes my mom told me she said that sometimes I would put all my dolls on and around my bed and instead me sleep on the floor in order to give them room she said that I said it was because I didn't want them angry at me. She also said that sometimes she would come to wake me up and I would have my pillows piled onto of me. I believe I was the only one to experience these things but idk. Then much later that I remember it myself was one of the times I KNOW I heard a clear voice. I swear I was lying in my bed reading my brother was out in the computer room playing who knows what and my mom was in bed (dad at work) when since I wasn't facing the doorway I coulda swore I heard my brother say "MICHAELA!" (my name) and I was so sure I even responded (not turning around) I asked him what only to receive no response so I got up went to my brother who was still in the computer room and asked him if he called me which of douse he said no. Then another time I heard it while listening to music but his time it sounded like my mom and she sounded angry so I immediately went to her to ask her what was wrong and she said she didn't say anything and I told her about hearing the voice and my brother called me schizophrenic. Which I am not btw. My mom chewed him out for that. I told mom the voices scared me because every time they were yelling at me and sounded angry. She only told me to ignore the voices and to give them no credit. The next time was a more physical contact were a toilet paper roll that was sitting on my bathroom counter came flying at me without me or anyone touching it. Scared the crap out of me.

Looking for a program for my computer?

Does anybody know a free program that allows me to set multiple alarms to go off daily at certain times as a reminder of daily tasks?

Soo the thing is i missed my birth control in the second week i took it the next day but missed the next two?

i finished my period last week and i just started getting symptoms a couple days ago such as thirst my boobs/nipples hurt ive been feeling alil nauseas but not really is there a possibility that i could be pregnant?